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Vloženo na Prosinec 23 2014

Vízová pravidla pro Jižní Koreu pro kvalifikované pracovníky ze zámoří budou zjednodušena

profilový obrázek
By  editor
aktualizováno Může 10 2023
[caption id="attachment_1911" align="alignleft" width="300"]South Korea Visa Rules for Overseas Skilled Workers South Korea has relaxed visa norms for foreign skilled workers allowing them to get a F5 Permanent Visa sooner than later.[/caption] South Korea is easing visa rules for overseas skilled workers to meet its growing labour force requirements. The Labour Ministry is reported to have said that the current point-based system will be relaxed to simplify visa norms for talented individuals migrating to South Korea. Currently, high-scoring skilled foreign workers are granted F2 visa and all work restrictions are removed after one year's stay, and a F5 permanent stay visa for workers living in South Korea for 3 years after receiving F2 visa. However, the new rules would automatically make foreign workers who live in the country for at least one year eligible for F5 Permanent Stay Visa. Foreign workers who meet income and investment criteria, and students who finish their masters or doctorate from South Korean universities will be allowed to reside in the country with their parents or other immediate family members. The government is also taking measures to bring together schools/universities and organizations to offer jobs to foreign students on completion of their education. This will help retain more talent in the country that could contribute to the growth and economy in the long-run. Zdroj: New Straits Times online
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