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Vloženo na Srpna 12 2015

Američtí vízoví poradci v Hajdarábádu pro cestovatele

profilový obrázek
By  editor
aktualizováno Prosinec 27 2024

Whether it's taking a road trip across California, or going on a cruise across the Atlantic, you will need to get a US visa to fulfill your travel plans. Travel falls under the nonimmigrant visa category which will allow you to stay in the country on a temporary basis. If you are one of them who is planning to go to the US for leisure then it’s important to fix an appointment with one of the Američtí vízoví poradci v Hajdarábádu okamžitě, protože vám pomohou s celým procesem, postupujte takto:

Poskytnutí podrobností o regulačním požadavku:

If you plan to go to the US to visit a family member or just to travel across the country then you need to apply for B-2 visa, and those looking to travel for business purposes are qualified for the B-1 visa. However, in most cases a combined B-1/B-2 visa is issued to the applicant You will have to fill up the Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) online form, upon completion you will receive a barcode that has to be shown in order to book your interview. Sounds complicated?

Yes, it is, and the tricky part is that you cannot leave the form idle for more than 20 minutes or else you will have to go through the process all over again. So, if you do not want to fail the first in the first attempt, then all you have to do is contact a consultant like Y-Axis who will give you details of the process prior to applying for the visa. In that way, you will be familiar with the things that are needed to be done in order to complete your application.

Pomoc s rozhovorem:

Once the application is completed, the barcode is generated, and then you will have to fix an interview with the immigration department. However those below 14 and over 79 need not go through the interview process, but the rest of you will have to, and you have to be prepared to answer all type of questions. If you do not want to get rejected in the personal interview round then it's best to contact a visa consultant like Y-Axis Američtí vízoví poradci v Hajdarábádu.


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Američtí vízoví poradci v Hajdarábádu


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